Schuylkill Distracted Driving

The Motor Vehicle Safety Coalition has produced a program that has been used in every varsity football stadium during fall football season. The Arrive Alive, Don’t Text and Drive message has been received by up to 15,000 people every week in the fall.


Distracted Driving Awareness Campaign

The Motor Vehicle Safety Coalition was formed by Schuylkill Connects in 2013 after a Community Health Needs Assessment, done by Lehigh Valley Health Network, formerly Schuylkill Health, identified the motor vehicle death rate as high health priority for the county. In 2014 and 2015 the Coalition partnered with county high schools to produce a program that emphasizes the dangers of texting and driving. These messages were presented at the fall high school football games to audiences of up to 15,000 each weekend.

By doing the messaging at football games, it was able to have a visual of the distance a driver traveling 50 mph and sending an average text would travel while not seeing the road: the length of a football field. The message: Arrive Alive, Don’t Text and Drive became a theme for further public service announcements, billboards, school morning messages, editorials, even cheers at the games. It became a real topic of conversation in the community. The campaign continues with new themes and materials distributed each year.

New in 2021...messaging beyond the football season. Schools are provided the materials to keep the message going all year...leading up to April's Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Where messaging and activities will occur in schools and communities all month long!

  • 2016 theme - Get An APP! encouraging all drivers to use an application on their cell phone to limit distracted driving.
  • 2017 theme - Just Drive! Arrive Alive
  • 2018 theme - 5 Seconds from OMG! to 911
  • 2019 theme - Resist It or Regret It
  • 2020 theme- Texting Your Life Away...Just Got Real
  • 2021 theme - Don't Get Distracted

The Coalition will continue to develop public campaigns to reduce motor vehicle deaths and injuries in the county.

​To learn how to support these programs email or call 570-622-6097

This project is in collaboration with Highway Safety Network, Schuylkill Technology Center, and Schuylkill County Youth Summit and made possible through funding provided by State Farm and Youth Summit

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